

“I hope life gives you wings, and you have the courage to use them.”

– Anne

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Affirmation Before Bed

Today has been a good day. I have done an amazing job today. There is nothing more that I should do, as this is the time for me to rest. It’s alright where I am. I am enough right here and now. I’m grateful for this beautiful moment, where I can wind down before sleep.…

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How to Overcome Anxiety

Anxiety paralyses people. Fearing the worst case scenario, feeling overwhelmed and suffocated, cold sweats and restlessness are common sensations that come with anxiety. Certainly, being wary of our anxiety will only causes more anxiety. It may seems weird that most resources offer meditation or breathing technique for coping, when people who experience panic attack can…

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Healing from Childhood Trauma (Part 2)

Click here to see Part 1 of this post Over the years, there has been an increasing awareness of the importance of mental health, including the impact of childhood trauma. Many non-profit organizations have been formed to create a strong network of support and help people to recover from the impact. From the studies done…

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Skin Care

Why is Salicylic Acid in My Skincare Products?

Salicylic acid is commonly used to treat acne and other skin condition. Because of its acidic properties, salicylic acid can sheds the most outer layer of the skin without irritating it. Salicylic Acid also has antiseptic properties that help with skin recovery. Besides for treating acne, other uses for salicylic acid includes seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis,…

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Can We Use Propolis for Skincare? Yes, We Can!

What is propolis? Well, it must have something to do with the bees. If you love honey products or supplement, propolis must be very familiar to you. Propolis is the brownish resin used by the bees to seal their honey. It’s a little bit different from beeswax. If the beeswax is the wall, propolis is…

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What Does Paraben-Free Mean in Cosmetics?

What is Paraben? Paraben is chemical that used in cosmetic or pharmaceutical products as preservatives. It helps to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold in the products. The chemical name of this product is parahydroxybenzoates or 4-hydroxybenzoic acid. The reason why paraben is commonly used is because it is considered as relatively safe. It…

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5 Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric is native plant from Southeast Asia and some part of India. The plant comes from ginger family, called Curcuma longa. The part which is commonly used is the rhizomes. This part of the plant is grounded into deep orange-yellow powder and can be used as additive in food. 1. Reduce Inflammation One of the…

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Lesson from Winnie the Pooh: Owning Yourself

There is a funny, and yet, endearing quotes from Winnie the Pooh. Does it feel nice to read them? It seems trivial because it is packaged within a children story book. However, the message is just as powerful for the adults. Here’s a bit of background of the story. Originally, it was Christopher Robin who…

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7 Tips for Better Sleep Tonight

We need sleep to rest and recover our body. It’s really an uncomfortable feeling when we spend hours to toss and turn, instead of getting sleep that we desperately need. Sometimes, our body just wouldn’t ‘shut down’ and our brain keeps continuing thinking thoughts at night. Here’s top 7 tips to help you have a…

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What is Healthy Boundaries in Relationship?

When we fall in love, it’s easy to forget who we are and just focusing on pleasing our partner. After all, they are our soulmates, so they should already know how to make the relationship works. Some people may say that boundaries make things to technical. So how do we set a new boundaries in…

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Saying “Thank You” More Often

How many times a day we say “thank you”? When we’re busy, it’s hard to show our gratitude for the help of others. We might take a lot of things for granted after a while. Although thanking people seems like the activity we do for others, it’s actually a habit that benefit us in the…

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Emotions are not Everything

Emotions are strong. It is energy and it gives us the reason. But no matter how strong they are, we are not supposed to act based on every feeling we have. It’s part of us, but it shouldn’t be a guide to all of our action. We can’t pretend that the emotions are not there…

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