How to Get Rid of Acne?

Tired of having breakouts every so often?

Acne is an inflamed skin condition that appears like a small bump on your skin. Sometimes acne can contain whiteheads, blackheads or cysts.

Acne mostly appears on face, but it can also grow on neck, back, hands or other parts of the body. Most of the time, acne problem starts once teenagers reached puberty due to hormonal imbalance. However, there are plenty of other external and internal factors that can cause acne, even after puberty. This includes stress, clogged pores, dry skin condition, and so on.

Here’s a list of tips how to reduce or minimize the impact of breakouts on your skin.

1. Good Diet

The food you eat might play a role on your breakouts. Why?

Inside the body, food is processed through our digestive system. During this process, the food is broken down into smaller components, like carbohydrates, vitamins, etc. and then distributed to your whole body by the blood. This includes your skin.

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Like your body, your skin also requires good nutrients to maintain its health. A lot of sugar in the body will induce inflammation, which eventually caused acne.

Some foods that caused you an allergic reactions can also trigger of your breakouts.

Be sure to keep your skin loaded with good vitamins and minerals!

2. Good Hygiene

Bad hygiene can also caused pimple to grow on your face. Touching your face with your dirty and greasy hands can transfer the oil, dirt and bacteria from your hands to your face. This clogs the pores on your skin and trapped the excess sebum to form acne.

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Skin also produces dead skin cells every time it regenerates and bring out the new skin cell. If not washed properly, this old layer will build up overtime and blocked the pores.

This also applies for leftover foundation and eye liner that haven’t been cleaned properly.

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Therefore, a good morning and evening routine, like washing your face and scrubbing your face once every week, is recommended to keep your skin clean.

3. Drink More Water

More than 70% of the body consists of water. Throughout the day, water goes out from body, from sweat, evaporation from the skin and urine. That’s why it’s important to replenish water in your body.

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For the skin, water helps to flush toxins from your body, so the bad things inside your body can be flushed out before causing skin reaction. In addition, water also helps to moisturizes the skin. When the skin is moist, it is less irritable and inflamed. Remember to drink a clean and pure water, instead of sugary beverages to clear out your skin.

4. Don’t Scratch or Pop

This is a very important tips if you already have acne on your skin because a lot of things happened when you scratch or pop.

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First, you worsen the irritation to the skin around the acne. Because your fingers are larger than the pimple, you’ll inevitably scratch or pressure the “good” skin and cause it to be more inflamed than before.

Second, this can leave mark on your skin. Scratching or popping the skin can damage your skin tissue and cause scar on the skin. Another alternative will be using clean needle to minimize the damage.

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Third, your hands are dirty! There are always germs and bacteria trapped between your nails. So scratching is not only damaging your skin tissue, but it’s also introduce bacteria to your skin!

Bottom Line

The list to prevent acne can go on and on. Although acne can be very annoying and stressful to manage, it is important to remember that acne doesn’t change who you are. Sure, it is better to not have acne, but it’s not something to be stressed about. Remember, stress can trigger acne as well!

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