6 Signs of Toxic Relationship

As a human being, we form relationship to one another for our survival. Nobody is perfect and in reality, we might have argument or fight with almost everybody. In toxic relationship, however, this conflict will extend to other area of our lives and affecting our well-being.

That’s why, here’s 7 signs to tell if your relationship has become toxic.

1. It’s Always about Them

Your conversation with this person is always about them. No matter what topics you bring to the table, you always end up discussing their issues. Worse still, there’s never a conclusion to this discussion. Although personal problem is more significant for you than other person, if the other party can’t give you any sympathy, they might don’t really care about you.

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2. It’s Always Give with no Take

You keep on giving to them without receiving anything back. You feel like you’re compromising your friends or significant other all the time. Sure, there are different ways of expressing care and love to people. But if you feel dissatisfied with your relationship, maybe it’s time to have a genuine conversation with them. If you think you can’t even have this conversation, you might have been trapped in toxic relationship before you know it.

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3. The Past keeps Haunting

There’s always this big fight in the past that always cause the two of you argue. Either one of you can’t let go of the issue and keep on bringing the issue whenever you fight. Sometimes, it may slip off as sarcastic comment that one of you make to each other. This has to stop in some way as it’s damaging your relationship in the long run.

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4. You can’t Enjoy being with Them

Unconsciously, you try to avoid them. It might because you’re afraid, uneasy, dislike their presence or anything that cause you to be uncomfortable in their presence. You feel like you always need to be careful, watch your words and behavior for no reason at all.

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5. You’re on a Tight Leash

He or she is your entire world. Whenever you’re together or not, they always on your mind. This is different from when you’re falling in love when you’re voluntarily doing it. In this case, you feel like you’re powerless against their words to the point where you can’t even question them. Whenever they are away, you just feel empty and can’t function properly. Sometimes, you might forget who you are.

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6. You’re Abused

This is the most obvious sign of toxic relationship. You’re physically or mentally abused frequently by the other party. It’s easier to tell a result of physical abuse than mental abuse.

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