4 Simple Ways to Prevent Acne

If you hate acne, you are probably willing to do anything to prevent it from appearing on your smooth skin. Except for hormonal imbalance or other health conditions, there are actually several ways to reduce the growth of acne. Try building skin care routine using this 4 steps and you will see improvement to your skin.

1. Clean

Image result for washing face

Acne develops from a clogged pores from dirt and oil. Wash your face in the morning and before going to bed to prevent the buildups. Try to choose gentle skin cleanser, even if you have a bit oily skin. Harsh cleanser is faster to clean, but shouldn’t be used regularly. Try the dermatologist recommended cleanser (maybe products like Cetaphil) that is safe to use daily.

2. Exfoliate

This step should be done once or twice a week depending on the products you use. There are different types that you can use on your skin. Some use chemical peeling, facial masks, mechanical peeling, and so on.

The point is, even though you use cleanser everyday, you can’t reach the whiteheads and blackheads hidden in your pores. By making sure your pores are clean, it minimizes the chance of acne growing on your skin.

3. Moisturize

Don’t forget to moisturize your skin every time you clean your skin. A lot of people thought that as long as their skin is clean, then it is okay to let it dries out. But this is wrong. When the skin dries out, it sends the signals to the brain to produce more oil for the skin. Then you get the oily skin that clogged the pores and you get more acne.

Therefore, please always put moisturizer on your skin after you wash your face. Apply more liberally after you exfoliate as well, because it will make your skin dries. Drinking water is an indirect way to moisturize your skin

4. Protect

Protect your skin from harmful substances. Minimize your foundation and BB cream so your skin can breathe. Use sunblock liberally when the sun is strong. Avoid food or drink that always cause breakouts on your skin.