Why Becoming Adult is so Difficult?

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In the past, you can always rely on your parents or your older siblings (if any) to take care of you. In their own ways, they make sure that you are well fed, grow up in the good communities and well-prepared for the future. Even though you may not be the smarter kids at school, you know you’ve still got a shot in college or university. Working part time seems so fun because you earn extra pocket money. Everything seems so interesting and you can’t wait to grow up.

Suddenly, you reach your twenties and things not the same as you expected. You felt loss. Now, all important decision in life is being shifted to you and everyone expects you to be as mature as your parents. Worst, your friends are suddenly ahead of you in life. You don’t even know where or what you need to do.

Feeling Lost is Normal

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No matter what culture you came from, there is definitely a gap between kids and adult.

Kids are always perceived as innocent, cute and vulnerable. They messed up and it’s always okay. They can’t do things well but it’s very normal to them. No one judges kids harshly.

However, grown ups are expected to be tough, mature and emotionally stable. Society expects them to be independent, have a good career, starting their own family, while at the same time, being happy, healthy and positive.

If you pause and reflect for a second.. Try to ask a question to yourself..

Have you ever learn this when you were younger?

Chances are you just learn something a bit similar to this, like expectation of having good grades, etc. But for most of us, everything about adulthood is new. It’s like learning a new algorithm formula at math class. The problem is, there is no textbook nor a teacher who can guide us. We can hire any career coach or attend motivation class, but they can’t guarantee your future. They don’t even know your future.

Bright Side

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The bright side is, it’s full of possibilities!

Your responsibilities are the cost for your freedom. Now, the life in your hand. You may realize that life is not as easy as you’d think in the past. But, it is also unpredictable and full of thrill.

Nobody told you that going for an job interview is scarier than 3 hours exam.

Nobody told you that you can love person on a whole different level.

Nobody told you the satisfaction of having a job done for the day.

Maybe a lot of things don’t go as you planned. But, enjoy the rides while it last. There is always a new challenge in every season of life but everything will work out at the end.