When Life is not Going as You Expected

Sometimes you have this picture of yourself in the future.

Maybe a better job, friends, house partner or life. You think if you do this thing, then you’ll get what you want. You read a lot of books and hear countless stories about successful people. You try applying their advice and keep looking for a better way of doing things, but nothing seems to work out.

You stay the same and you are unhappy.

You are disappointed on how your life turns out.

It’s very easy to blame on your circumstances. Of course you are free to do that. It’s convenient and it protects you from the pain. When it’s not your fault, you are free from all responsibilities. If it’s not your fault and you remains right.

But what if you just want to be oblivious of the truth? What if deep down you know that it’s your fault and you just messed up? Would it be too painful to accept it?

Well, luckily nothing is 100% in you control. Although, it might seems you know everything, you only know what you know. You don’t know what you don’t know. You make decision based only on what you know and it’s never a complete picture of everything. Turns out, you are wrong about so many things. And that’s okay.

Being in the wrong and learning better things are part of growing up.

Even though your life now is not exactly like you pictured, things don’t work out and you feel depressed all the time, there is always something to be grateful for. Like any other things, bad things do happen as much as good things. But our brain is hardwired to focus more on the bad.

It’s okay to feel sad. It’s okay to feel the regret and guilt. You may be in so much pain that you can’t hope for better things in life. It’s okay to feel your feelings, but don’t be so hard on yourself. You have worked hard, invested a lot of time and tried your best. You give your all and now your heart breaks. It’s nothing to be shameful of. A lot of people might not have the same determination as you do.

Let this experience be your lesson.

Honestly admit what you did wrong and find a better way in the future.

Soon this present event becomes your past. That’s why don’t let it lingers long enough to be your future. Remember, things happen. You can’t control on what’s happening to you. But just focus on what you can do and do it well. Hope for things to get better tomorrow as you have grown a little bit from this experience.

Remember, your expectation is not the only way for you to live. There’s a thousand possibilities in this world as long you keep living and trying hard.

Lighthouse, Lighting, Storm, Clouds, Ocean, Light