What is EDTA in Skincare Products?

EDTA (ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid) is a chemical compound that is often used in industrial or medical products. EDTA is chelation agent, which is the ingredient that helps to bond other chemicals together. EDTA is mostly used to help the absorption of products into the skin. It is also found in cleanser products to form foam.

Example of EDTA

There are several forms of EDTA is commonly used in cosmetics, such as:

  • Disodium EDTA
  • Calcium Disodium EDTA
  • Tetrasodium EDTA

Is it Dangerous?

According to research, the amount of EDTA found in cosmetics is considered safe for use. This is because EDTA cannot be absorbed through the skin.

However, inhaling or consuming high dose of EDTA can be dangerous as it is toxic for the body. This can be found in the aerosol products or food products that used EDTA.

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International Journal of Toxicology, 2002