Feeling Burnout

Feeling burnout is normal when you’re under so much stress for a long period of time. And stress? It’s normal to feel stress. You can feel stress everywhere and anytime. Ideally, you are able to empty out the stress by doing fun things. But sometimes you just can’t. It sticks there no matter what you do.

Suddenly you find yourself unmotivated, depressed and negative about life. Everyday is tiring. Dragging yourself from bed feels so hard. You start doing things autopilot. On some days, you just feel numb and empty. Looking back, you lost the spark you once have. And now you feel trapped but you have no energy to do anything.

It’s not easy to recover from burnout, but it’s not impossible. Sometimes, you have to push yourself hard enough until you can overcome this feeling. And another time, you have to make big decisions to change your situation. But like every other feelings, it’s temporary.

The most important thing is to remember that it’s okay to feel that way. It’s uncomfortable to feel numb, but doesn’t mean you can’t feel anything. There’s a lot of fun out there waiting to be discovered. But, first accepting the feeling is a quick first step. Finding a healthy way to channel your stress is another step.

Just keep taking steps forward each day, and you’ll find one day feel so much better than before. Will it come back? Yes. But will you get stronger then? Yes. So don’t worry about feeling burnout. It’s totally normal and you’ll get through it.