Meditation for Beginners

Meditation is a common advice for stress, depression or any other emotional difficulties. However, not everyone can get it the first time. For those who never do meditation before, this activity can seem weird and boring.

The concept of closing our eyes and connecting to our inner self maybe hard to digest. Some says that they are becoming sleepy during the process. In the end, they are wondering if they are doing the right thing.

You can’t go Wrong in Meditation

I know you might expect to suddenly feel better after meditating. You want to let go of the stress and step into a perfect peace with yourself. But starting meditation by focusing on this goal is actually defeating the whole process.

Meditation is about reconnecting to yourself. There’s no way you can get it wrong, unless you’re asleep. But again, it might be that your body is actually very tired that you can only feel it after meditating.

Whatever it is, try to accept the experience as it is. You don’t need to force yourself to feel a certain way. Look at this as the way to get to know your inner self.

Let’s Start with Something Easy

Before jumping on 2 hours meditating program, let’s start with something really easy. This is called a breathing exercise. For starters, we can start with 2-5 minutes session. Of course we can extend it according to our needs.

How do we start?

1. First of all, find yourself in comfortable position (as this is short session, sitting down on your chair is fine).

2. Makes sure you are not disturbed during this period of time. Turn off the notifications on your phones as well.

3. Take 2-3 deep breaths and close your eyes.

4. Count for each breath you take and focus on the whole process. Notice how the air enters into your nose and how your lungs and diaphragm expand as you inhale. Feel the air pressure changing as you exhale.

5. If you find your mind wandering, just slowly refocus your attention to your breathing. Don’t force it to go away, but just observe it like you’re watching a movie. And slowly release the focus from that thought.

6. Continue doing it until your time is up. Count down from 10 before slowly open your eyes.

The more you’re doing it, the longer you can maintain yourself in this state. Then, we can explore more about meditation and try a longer session.

Key Takeaways

Of course the whole point of this exercise is not to suddenly eliminate all your negative feelings.

Meditation is more about getting more grounded and be mindful of yourself. The ability to just simply observe your feelings and thoughts is valuable skill to avoid rush decision making. That’s why people often feel a lot calmer after they have done some meditation.