Can You Feel Empty?

There might be a time in life when we feel empty.

Suddenly, our feelings gone. We don’t feel upset nor we are happy. It’s like being in limbo. We started to think that it’s not normal. We think that we have to feel something. It doesn’t need to be positive. After all, it’s better to feel at least something. We might as well welcome pain as a way to accept that we are living.

Emptiness is a Feeling

Feeling empty is actually a feeling.

It’s common to think that feeling must be on extremities. It must be either happy or sad. Hatred or love. Crying or smiling. War or peace.

But feeling is so much richer than that. There are emotions like anxious, nervous, content, relaxed, etc. The fact that you can feel empty means that you can feel it!

Hidden Feelings?

It might be very tempting to do something painful or wrong to engage our senses. But, what if we are just running away from our actual feelings?

Maybe we are scared, but we don’t want to acknowledge it. Maybe we are so disappointed that we lose hope in anything. Sometimes we just feel too tired to do anything.

But this doesn’t mean that there’s always other emotion beneath the emptiness. But if the emptiness makes us to disconnect from reality, maybe it’s a good time to start “feeling” what we are feeling.

Emptiness can Indicate Anything

There’s no definitive explanation why and how do we feel empty. It’s normal to feel empty from time to time. And not feeling anything is not wrong.

If it’s not disrupting us, maybe it’s not so bad after all. If we feel more at peace by feeling empty, maybe what we’re feeling is content. If it’s moving towards negativity, we might try numbing yourself from pain. But again, it could mean anything.

The bottom line is, don’t panic when you feel empty. Try to take a few deep breaths and start feeling what you’re feeling inside. Just because it can mean anything, doesn’t mean it should. So don’t overthink it too much.