Makeup and Breakouts

Red bumps on the nose? It’s easy. Just use primer, concealer, foundation, face powder and finish-off with shiny highlighter. Poof! It’s gone.

How many layers of chemical products that we put on our face everyday?

Sometimes, we forget that makeup is the reason why we keep having breakouts. But of course we need makeups for our own reason. That’s why, it’s important to maintain the balance between our makeup and skin health.

Here’s to several tips to minimize the breakouts coming from our makeups.

#1: Schedule Skin Detox

It’s important to schedule a “Makeup Free Day” for our skin once or twice a week. It’s important to allow your skin to breath freely once in a while.

#2: Don’t Sleep with Makeup

This is very important to remember if you want to avoid breakups. Foundation and powder are often trapped in our pores for a long time. Allowing this chemical to block your pores overnight will increase your risk to have more pimples.

#3: Scrub is Essential

Even after cleaning your face, you still need to scrub your face regularly. This will allow the removal of dead skin cells and any makeup leftover that has gone deep into your pores.

#4: Skincare, Skincare and Skincare

A lot of makeup products absorb moisture out of your skin. A lot of makeup removal also contains harsh chemical that dries he skin. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to do perform skincare whenever you’re not wearing makeups.

#5: Test your Makeups

This might be obvious. But there’s some products that causes your skin more prone to breakouts than the other. It might be a good idea to always test any new product that you’ll be using for 2-3 days. Your skin might not showing any allergic reaction, but your skin might react by being overly dry or oily.