Willingness to be Positive

One of the thing that I realize recently is that being positive is a willingness.

We are taught since young to be positive, but no one told us how. Sure, when you’re young you have dreams and things you want to do. But we are punished when we fail. People will tell us to stop if we start to loss something. But you know, life is never what we expected to be. How can we be positive if we are only taught that there is one way to happiness, which in other word, success?

Positivity is a Mindset

Positivity is popular phrase, but very few people understood it. Just because you keep saying nice thing, doesn’t mean you’re a positive person. You may be a person who are good with nice words. You can still be negative inside without you knowing it.

So what is positive? Is it happiness? Well, it’s related, but positivity is more about attitude and mindset about certain things.

It’s a belief.

It’s a belief that things will get better when it’s not good.

It’s a belief that there’s hope in everything.

It’s a belief that can look pass the failures and set backs.

This belief doesn’t come from feelings. This is just the way you perceive things in life. That’s why it can be challenged by negative words from people around us. How many of us that decided to change our minds because we hear what people are sayings? Mind listens to logic. But doesn’t mean it’s always right.

Willingness to Challenge the Negativity

Okay, we want to be positive. What do we do?

We need to challenge the negativity. If we fail in class, there is two possibilities in front of us. Negative people can easily see this as a proof that they’re not smart enough. But let’s challenge it.

Why would it be a proof that I’m stupid? Because I failed. But did I always fail in the past? There is time when I passed the exam. So why do you think you’re fail this time? I didn’t really get the formula and I was rushing on my way to school.

Once we question why we think what we are thinking, you may find that your negativity maybe wrong. You may make things bigger than they actually are because of your emotions. But questioning our own thoughts may be the hardest thing to do, because we might bot be ready to hear the truth.