Fixed vs Growth Mindset: Understanding Fixed Mindset

“As a man think of his heart, so is he.”

Proverbs 23:7

There are always two ways to approach in life, passive and active. Those who learn and grow will overcome the challenge and strive to getting better everyday. But those who give up, will stay where they currently are and taking less risk in life. What differentiate the one from the other?

One of the common deciding factors is the mindset: Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset.

What is Fixed Mindset?

As the name suggest, the fixed mindset is where people think that everything is fixed. They think their conditions are fixed and they tend to avoid changes.

This mindset can stem from one’s believe or fear. Of course, there is a reason why people have this mindset. We have a lot of security when everything is fixed. Growing is not easy, and it’s sometimes very painful for us. It’s hard to admit that we are wrong and accept criticism from others. When life is already a struggle, it’s hard to even think that there’s a better way to do things.

Growth Mindset – Infinity Community Solutions Ltd

How to manage Fixed Mindset?

1. Mindset is not absolute

Instead of thinking Fixed Mindset as an identity, it might be helpful to think this as “a way to approach about something”. Some people have fixed mindset on more things than the other, but no one is completely having fixed mindset. The same goes for growth mindset, nobody is having growth mindset in life on everything.

For example, a person might be fixed on the way they do their jobs. But this person might be more open on the way he dressed. Maybe this person values their work more than their looks, so he don’t mind to be criticized about their dress. Or maybe, through year of experience, he perceived that his way of working is the best. But the point is, nobody can have fixed mindset on everything.

2. Criticism is not an enemy

One of the most difficult challenge for a Fixed Mindset is criticism. Why? Because it challenges the person and force him to admit that he is wrong. But no matter how constructive a criticism is, it’s still a difficult pill to swallow.

We are not obligated to accept every criticism that we received. However, we should evaluate it from a neutral position. Regardless of the intention of the critics, we should be able to analyze the content critically and logically. Without any emotions or ego attached, criticism is just an idea. We don’t need to take it personally. We just need to take it if it is good for us.

3. Accept that change is a constant process

Change is not always bad. The process of change can be uncomfortable, but the result might be the one that you always dream of.

If we take a bit of perspective, life is always about changing. That’s why we know the concept of time. Time can only moves forward and a lot of things can become obsolete. It’s better to acknowledge this reality, than getting surprised at the end when everything has fallen apart.

4. We are stronger than we think

It’s hard to trust on something that is unstable. Change is not secure. Who can guarantee that it is better than we have now? Well, the truth is nobody can. And that’s why we need courage to face all the challenges in life.

But what if we are stronger that we think we are? What if we are equipped to face all the challenges that come in our life? Just because we can’t do it now, doesn’t mean we can’t do it tomorrow. There’s always a possibility that thing may work out if we keep trying. But more importantly, believing that you are capable and strong is one step forward to start growing.

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