Saying “Thank You” More Often

How many times a day we say “thank you”? When we’re busy, it’s hard to show our gratitude for the help of others. We might take a lot of things for granted after a while. Although thanking people seems like the activity we do for others, it’s actually a habit that benefit us in the long-term.

Habit of Being Grateful = Increased Happiness

Remembering to say or show gratitude can make us get into the habit of gratitude. Even though we don’t really mean it. Sometimes if we force ourselves to say good things, it makes us feel less upset in general.

Building a Good Relationship

People who practice gratitude tend to be more appreciative toward others. That’s why, when people are more gratitude in life, it’s more likely for them to have better and long lasting relationship.

It’s Fun!

It’s fun to surprise people with our words and make them smile. It makes us feel better in return! Although words are free, it’s a different feeling to show people our appreciation.