Skincare Products for Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin is prone to breakout and irritation. Picking a good skincare product is not always easy, as there are a lot of chemicals added in most of the products. This chemicals are not always dangerous, but sensitive skin just cannot tolerate it. While it may be challenging to get a product that don’t cause any acne, it’s still possible to have a decent skincare to keep your skin look healthy and glowing.

Here’s are few tips to choose a good product for sensitive skin.

Always Test Before Applying

It’s recommended to always test any new product to a small area of your skin. Try to see the skin reaction after 48 hours. If there is a burning or itchy sensation, wash it immediately with water. For moisturizer product, sometimes the skin might react by producing a lot of oil. And this is also not a good sign, because excessive oil will also cause pimple.

Choose “Dermatologist Recommended” Product

It’s tempting to chose fancy brands for your skin, loaded with fragrance and amazing ingredients. The problem is, your skin might not like it. Sensitive skin tends to prefer a plain product that do its purposes effectively. How to choose this product? Seek the product with “Dermatologist Recommended” writing at the bottom. But remember, this is not a guarantee that the skin will like it. Always test it first before you apply to the larger area.

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Go Natural

Nowadays, there are more products that are made from natural ingredients without chemicals and fragrance. They don’t always smell great, but the smell is also go away very quickly. But maybe this is the ‘safest’ option for moisturizing and caring the sensitive skin. Sometimes the skin is just allergic to the fragrance, but it still need the nutrition from the product itself.

Beware of Peeling Products

If you have acne scars, be careful for peeling products. AHA and BHA products are very popular for peeling, but it can be too harsh for sensitive skin. The key is to start from the weakest one and maybe choose the stronger one after that. If your skin is easily irritated by chemical peeling, it might be a good idea to choose a physical peeling. But both could be very irritating for a very sensitive skin.

Consult with Your Dermatologist for Specific Condition

It’s always a good idea to book an appointment if nothing works on your skin. It might be that your skin is too dry, but your skin reacts to every products available. Your dermatologist will be able to prescript ointment for you or recommend better products for your skin.

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