The Danger of Self-Improvement

How many times have we take a chance to say “you are enough” to ourselves?

Sometimes we are the harshest critics of ourselves. We easily see things that we didn’t do well and constantly blaming ourselves for it. We have this dream, this goals, and we forget to just appreciate ourselves.

Maybe it’s about the way we look. If only my ….. isn’t like this. Or it could be our capacity to think or do things differently. But, what we actually seek? What is it that make us not enough the way we are?

It’s Exhausting

I’m a big fan of self-improvement and I feel delighted if I could grow more than what I was yesterday. But, there are times that this thing makes me exhausted. It’s feels like I’m climbing endless stairs and sometimes, I’m just out of breath. I don’t even know what I’m aiming at.

The idea of constant improvement can make us feel constantly inadequate. After all, who needs improvement when they are already perfect? Of course we know nobody’s perfect. But this idea can trap us into thinking that we’re really lacking something to begin with. It makes us to focus on our shortcomings, rather than appreciate what we naturally good at. It’s situated our mind that we need to work hard to be good.

If we continue this journey feeling this way, we’ll be rejecting of who we truly are. We reject the part of us that gets angry, annoyed or sometimes selfish, in order to reach our best self. In reality, negative emotions are part of us too. Being wrong from time to time is also a part of life.

Healthier Way to Improve Ourselves

The idea of self-improvement should be taken as a life-long journey, istead of list of tasks.

There are things that are easy to apply, like eating healthier, minimize junk food, etc. But it doesn’t mean that we fail if we didn’t do it. It may be not our focus at this time, and that’s okay too. We might prefer to do this when we get older. That’s is oh choices.

However, there are difficult things that are harder to change. Maybe we want to be more positive about life or we are prone to anger. Of course it’ll take time to get better. We may relapse again and again to our old habits, but that’s part of life.

Once we feel the idea of improvement is tiring, it might be a good indication to stop and appreciate our works. After all, we have been through this far in our journey.