Let’s Start Moving (Around the House)

Don’t let your body becomes stiff and cracking! Our activity outside might be limited, but it doesn’t mean that our movement should be limited. We’ve got couple of ideas to keep yourself active inside the house!

Yoga at Home

What is easier than to start flexing muscles on yoga mat? We don’t have invest in lot of equipments, except for yoga mat. And it can be very cheap to!

Start Cleaning

Almost all cleaning activity uses muscles and energy. Even simple actions such as wiping, sweeping and washing can burn some body fat!

Learning Dancing Moves

Your house can become your own dancing studio! Nowadays, many dancing lessons are available online. You can just subscribe to any lessons you’d like and have fun with it!

Do Plank

Doing plank is an exercise in itself. You just need yourself and motivation to do it. And your abs will do the work for you.

Lift the Weights

If you’ve been collecting dumbbells at home, then you can start using it! But don’t worry if you don’t. There’s plenty of heavy things around the house that you can lift, like water gallons, chair, etc. But always be mindful of your posture and capacity to avoid any injury.