The Power of Gratitude

Dictionary defines gratitude as a state of being grateful. If we think about it, it’s funny how it is define as a state of being rather than a reaction for something. I mean, it’s easy to say “thank you” for something that we received. It’s also easy to give appreciation for someone’s effort. We often think that there must be an “object” to be grateful for. That’s why it’s hard to be grateful if we are in negative experiences.

Gratitude is about Positivity

How can we be grateful if nothing good is happening?

Being grateful is not about what what happened to us, but it’s about who we are when things are happening. In this life, there is nothing that entirely bad or good. Everything depends on how we see it.

We are not told to be grateful that bad things happen to us. But we can choose on what we want to focus on. Even when your day entirely gone wrong, you still got you. You are still alive and have another chance to do it again tomorrow. You still can breathe and live comfortably. There is still so much small things that you enjoyed that day.

When we choose to focus on the positives, it’s easier for us to be in the state of gratitude.

Gratitude is about Happiness

Being grateful can increase our general happiness.

When we no longer take things for granted, we start appreciating of what we have. And this is the recipe of happiness. Gratitude helps us to see that what we have now is enough and it brings a sense of contentment in our hearts.

It’s almost impossible to grumble or being upset when you’re grateful.

Gratitude is about Receiving

Being grateful means that we are in the position of already receiving. that’s why it’s easy to be thankful after we receive something from other people.

So what does it say when being grateful is our state of being?

It means we always feel like receiving! We are well aware that everything that we enjoy is a gift for us. Therefore we appreciate everything that we have. We don’t get jealous when we don’t get things we want, because we know that we’ve received so much already.


Gratitude matters in our attitudes towards positivity, happiness and receiving. But because gratitude is a state of being, it’s something that we can choose to be on daily basis.

Have you been grateful today?

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