Letting Go of Fear

Nobody is immune to fear. But nobody likes it. People often use different excuses to cover their fear, because admitting it is a fear in itself. Why?

Because fear render us powerless. And we don’t want to be seen as coward, weak and helpless. We don’t want our nerves get the better of us. We want to be able to do things that we want to do at the best of our abilities. But sometimes we just feel that something is a bit scary for us.

Fear is biological

Fear is biological. It is designed to let us know what is dangerous and what’s not. It’s probably useful in the past, when human used to go hunting and faced ferocious beasts in the field. This fear helps humankind to survive for generations.

But unfortunately, we are living in a different environment now. It seems our instinct has failed us times and times again. We are afraid of stranger. We avoid the unknown. We are worried about our future.

It’s as if all those things are giants that could kill us in the second. Well, we know that they can’t. But it’s just deeply wired in our mind that something can be so dangerous to approach.

Fear should not control our lives

Just because we are in fear, doesn’t mean we don’t have to face it.

This can apply to any situation.

Just because we fear about our future, doesn’t mean we don’t have to plan for it.

Just because we are afraid of darkness, doesn’t mean we have to avoid all dark places.

However, the problem is not because we have fear. It is the thing that we are unable to do because of it. It helps us in keeping us safe from harm. But sometimes there are many “safe” things that can be perceived as harm because it is uncomfortable or unknown.

Facing Fear = Overcome Fear

The common reason why we avoid things that scare us is: we want to be safe.

Some people can experience panic attacks or mental breakdown when they are scared. And it’s not always easy to do things that you are scared of. But we also don’t recommend you to be reckless.

If we think about this, there are many opportunities that we missed because of fear. Sometimes what scares is actually what can grow us. And to be brave doesn’t mean we are not scared.

Unfortunately, there is no others way to overcome fear except by facing it. One day we’ll realise that our fear isn’t as scary as we thought.