How to be More Confident?

Are you confident enough?

It’s hard to measure how much confidence we needed, except it is put under a test. How good is your public speaking skill? Are you able to talk easily to stranger? Are you proud of who you really are?

The concept of confident is revolved around the idea of self and it’s interaction to their surrounding. So, how to boost our confident?

1. Always Remember Your Achievement

We are not trying to be a snob here. But sometimes it’s hard to give ourselves a credit on what we have achieved. Instead, we loved to remember on failure and embarassing stuffs we did year ago.

Remembering the feeling of success is one of the thing that will distract us from our own insecurities. It will also helps us to recall our strength and positive attributes that we have.

2. Always Try New Things

Low confidence level can be caused by fear of the unknown. Nobody can’t become an expert on the first try. Don’t be afraid to try different things that scares you.

Although there a risk of failure and embarrassment, it’s a good learning experience to know what’s working for you. Sometimes, we also get so caught up in our ideals of what things should be. Maybe it’s easier than we originally thought?

3. Love Yourself

Healthy self-confidence is a result of good self-esteem. We cannot grow if we keep beating ourselves down inside. When have low self-worth, it’s hard to believe in our abilities.

Treat yourself as important as other people. You also have the right to speak and perform your task. You don’t need to be hesitant or overly considerate of what other people think. In short, focus on you.

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