5 Top Healthy Breakfast: Easy and Quick Meal

The best way to start your day is to feed your body with healthy foods. As breakfast is the first food that you’ll eat after fasting when you slept, it is often considered as the ‘most important meal of the day’.

1. Oatmeal

Healthy Oatmeal Bowls: A Protein Rich Morning Recipe

Oats are easy to cook in the morning. You can add honey, berries or any fruits to your oats and it will still be tasty!

2. Egg

45+ Easy Egg Recipes - Ways to Cook Eggs for Breakfast

Eggs are packed with protein and makes you feel full much longer than any other food. Scrambled, boiled or poach, you can choose how to prepare your eggs in the morning.

3. Wholegrain Bread

High Fibre Stoneground Wholemeal Bread Recipe | Odlums

Who doesn’t love a fresh toast in the morning? Choosing a wholegrain bread from the normal white toast will fill your day with more energy and fiber. In addition, eating wholegrain bread will help with your digestion.

4. Smoothies

Basic Fruit Smoothie Recipe | LoveToKnow

When you don’t have time to chew on your breakfast, maybe drinking smoothies is the solution for you. Just combine fruits, milk and even kale of spinach, to boost your vitamins intake in the morning.

5. Soup

Cream of potato and turnip soup recipe / Riverford

Soup might not be very popular breakfast to have, but it’s actually pretty common in different cultures. You can easily change the ingredients based on your needs. Further, it doesn’t take a lot of time to prepare and eat. From clear chicken broth to thick broccoli soup, it is full of nutrients for you.

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