7 Tips for Better Sleep Tonight

We need sleep to rest and recover our body.

It’s really an uncomfortable feeling when we spend hours to toss and turn, instead of getting sleep that we desperately need. Sometimes, our body just wouldn’t ‘shut down’ and our brain keeps continuing thinking thoughts at night.

Here’s top 7 tips to help you have a better sleep today.

1. Avoid drinking coffee before 3PM

Coffee contains a lot of caffeine that helps to keep us awake. However, it’s hard to estimate how long the caffeine will last in our body.

Some people who have high tolerance of caffeine can still sleep even after they drink coffee. But, for people who are prone to insomnia, they could stay awake even after several hours of drinking coffee coffee.

2. Don’t Review Your Problem Before Going to Bed

Many people often find themselves too busy during the day that they don’t have time to reflect on themselves. All unprocessed thoughts we have during the day usually rush in to our brain just before we go to bed.

While happy thoughts help us sleep better, rumaging through our unfinished business can lead us to anticipate what might happen tomorrow. This active thinking will not let our brain rest, so trying to sleep will be very difficult at this point.

3. Stop Looking at Your Gadgets

We are all guilty of looking through emails and all kinds of social media before bedtime, although we know that the blue light from the screen will prevent us to sleep.

The problem is, so much of our lives are tied to this gadgets. Maybe it is the text from our parents. Maybe our friends just bought a new car.

No matter how tempting it is, getting enough sleep is more important for your well-being.

4. Listen to Relaxing Music

Before going to bed, spend about an hour to listen to a soft music. Natural sounds, like birds chirping or the sound of rain, are also good to relax our body.

Remember how you get sleepy during massage at the spa? One of the reason for that is the music. Sound creates an ambiance in our brain. Playing slow music will help our body to slow down and rest well.

5. Write All Disturbing Thoughts in the Journal

Sometimes, we get anxious about things that we need to do tomorrow. Whether to add few sentences in our assignment or making an important decision. We also get worried that we will forget to do it tomorrow.

The answer to that is simple. Just write it down in detail what’s your thoughts are and what you need to do tomorrow. After that, make decision that all you have written in what you can think right now and you will continue thinking tomorrow.

Acknowledge that you have assigned all the tasks to the ‘you’ in the future. The ‘you’ in this moment have done enough and deserve some rest tonight. As soon you can release that resistance, you’ll feel sleepy in no time.

6. Read Boring Books

Reading something light can also induce sleepiness. Pick the most boring and dry book that you can find to read.

When you feel bored, your brain will not be active. That’s why we often fall asleep when we study.

7. Excercise a Bit

If you still find yourself full of energy after doing all those things, maybe you really need to wake up from your bed.

Try to do several sets of push up or plank. Avoid any cardio activities, as they will stimulate you more. Another good option would be light yoga or breathing exercises.

You don’t need to do much, since our goal is to burn the excess energy that keeping you from sleeping. Once your body feel tired, it will automatically send signal to your brain to sleep.

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