10 Steps to Have Beautiful Skin

People want to have beautiful skin for many reasons. For some, it’s a matter of confidence and self-esteem. Having clear and healthy skin can make people feel more confident and attractive. Others may want to have beautiful skin because they believe it is a sign of good health. There are many ways to have beautifulContinueContinue reading “10 Steps to Have Beautiful Skin”

Why is Salicylic Acid in My Skincare Products?

Salicylic acid is commonly used to treat acne and other skin condition. Because of its acidic properties, salicylic acid can sheds the most outer layer of the skin without irritating it. Salicylic Acid also has antiseptic properties that help with skin recovery. Besides for treating acne, other uses for salicylic acid includes seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis,ContinueContinue reading “Why is Salicylic Acid in My Skincare Products?”

Can We Use Propolis for Skincare? Yes, We Can!

What is propolis? Well, it must have something to do with the bees. If you love honey products or supplement, propolis must be very familiar to you. Propolis is the brownish resin used by the bees to seal their honey. It’s a little bit different from beeswax. If the beeswax is the wall, propolis isContinueContinue reading “Can We Use Propolis for Skincare? Yes, We Can!”

What Does Paraben-Free Mean in Cosmetics?

What is Paraben? Paraben is chemical that used in cosmetic or pharmaceutical products as preservatives. It helps to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold in the products. The chemical name of this product is parahydroxybenzoates or 4-hydroxybenzoic acid. The reason why paraben is commonly used is because it is considered as relatively safe. ItContinueContinue reading “What Does Paraben-Free Mean in Cosmetics?”

Your Pimple May Be Telling You This..

Are you prone to breakouts? Is it a persisting problem for you? We understand that pimple can be very annoying and disturbing. But sometimes pimple can be a signal that something is not right with our skin. So what might this zits telling you? Better Hygiene is Required Your acne might be telling you thatContinueContinue reading “Your Pimple May Be Telling You This..”

What is Essential Oil and How to Use It?

Essential oil is an oil extracted from plants parts (leaf, roots, flowers, etc.). The oil is generated from the plants through distillation to capture the essence of the plants, which cause it to have high concentrate and strong smell. The oil is later added to this essence and used for many purposes, like aromatherapy. However,ContinueContinue reading “What is Essential Oil and How to Use It?”

Skincare Products for Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin is prone to breakout and irritation. Picking a good skincare product is not always easy, as there are a lot of chemicals added in most of the products. This chemicals are not always dangerous, but sensitive skin just cannot tolerate it. While it may be challenging to get a product that don’t causeContinueContinue reading “Skincare Products for Sensitive Skin”

Makeup and Breakouts

Red bumps on the nose? It’s easy. Just use primer, concealer, foundation, face powder and finish-off with shiny highlighter. Poof! It’s gone. How many layers of chemical products that we put on our face everyday? Sometimes, we forget that makeup is the reason why we keep having breakouts. But of course we need makeups forContinueContinue reading “Makeup and Breakouts”

What is EDTA in Skincare Products?

EDTA (ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid) is a chemical compound that is often used in industrial or medical products. EDTA is chelation agent, which is the ingredient that helps to bond other chemicals together. EDTA is mostly used to help the absorption of products into the skin. It is also found in cleanser products to form foam.ContinueContinue reading “What is EDTA in Skincare Products?”

4 Simple Ways to Prevent Acne

If you hate acne, you are probably willing to do anything to prevent it from appearing on your smooth skin. Except for hormonal imbalance or other health conditions, there are actually several ways to reduce the growth of acne. Try building skin care routine using this 4 steps and you will see improvement to yourContinueContinue reading “4 Simple Ways to Prevent Acne”