How to Overcome Anxiety

Anxiety paralyses people. Fearing the worst case scenario, feeling overwhelmed and suffocated, cold sweats and restlessness are common sensations that come with anxiety. Certainly, being wary of our anxiety will only causes more anxiety. It may seems weird that most resources offer meditation or breathing technique for coping, when people who experience panic attack canContinueContinue reading “How to Overcome Anxiety”

5 Ways in Dealing with Panic Attacks

Panic attacks can suddenly strike and stopping us from doing what we are meant to do. Suddenly, our heart beats faster and our palms are getting sweaty. We feel like we are in danger, but we are not. Don’t panic! Here’s 5 ways in dealing with panic attacks. 1. Stop Thinking It’s tempting to startContinueContinue reading “5 Ways in Dealing with Panic Attacks”

I Can’t Stop Worrying.. Please Help

I’m tossing and turning in my bed.. Something has been on my mind and I just can’t stop it. I’m too tired for all of this, but seems like my brain doesn’t. It keeps on churning every information in my brain. The episodes of my life years ago? Yes, let’s think about them now insteadContinueContinue reading “I Can’t Stop Worrying.. Please Help”