Lesson from Winnie the Pooh: Owning Yourself

There is a funny, and yet, endearing quotes from Winnie the Pooh. Source: https://rosabeeart.tumblr.com/post/175201781995/you-are-braver-than-you-believe-stronger-than Does it feel nice to read them? It seems trivial because it is packaged within a children story book. However, the message is just as powerful for the adults. Here’s a bit of background of the story. Originally, it was ChristopherContinueContinue reading “Lesson from Winnie the Pooh: Owning Yourself”

How to be More Confident?

Are you confident enough? It’s hard to measure how much confidence we needed, except it is put under a test. How good is your public speaking skill? Are you able to talk easily to stranger? Are you proud of who you really are? The concept of confident is revolved around the idea of self andContinueContinue reading “How to be More Confident?”