Why Is It So Hard To Be Grateful Now?

As a human, we always have things that we want in life. Maybe a new job, new relationship or a new house. And we want it right here and now. Waiting for it to come makes us anxious, but we can’t help it. As our happiness depends on those things, it’s hard to become gratefulContinueContinue reading “Why Is It So Hard To Be Grateful Now?”

The Power of Gratitude

Dictionary defines gratitude as a state of being grateful. If we think about it, it’s funny how it is define as a state of being rather than a reaction for something. I mean, it’s easy to say “thank you” for something that we received. It’s also easy to give appreciation for someone’s effort. We oftenContinueContinue reading “The Power of Gratitude”

Affirmation: Today I Choose to Believe

Today I choose to believe.. Despite of what I’m feeling and what people say, I choose to believe in myself. I don’t care how hard it is to get out of bed everyday, I believe it will get better each day. I believe the universe has a grand plan, so everything will be okay. IContinueContinue reading “Affirmation: Today I Choose to Believe”

Saying “Thank You” More Often

How many times a day we say “thank you”? When we’re busy, it’s hard to show our gratitude for the help of others. We might take a lot of things for granted after a while. Although thanking people seems like the activity we do for others, it’s actually a habit that benefit us in theContinueContinue reading “Saying “Thank You” More Often”

Self-love: Letter of Gratitude

Whether it’s been a tough week or day, it’s important to just stop and start appreciating yourself. Writing a gratitude letter yourself is one of the practice of self-love. This will help you to stop judging yourself and start focusing on the good things in yourself. If you’re new to this, here’s the example ofContinueContinue reading “Self-love: Letter of Gratitude”