5 Truths You Have to Know Now

Life is full of ups and down. It’s not always easy to keep our confidence up and stay positive. Especially after facing a lot of failures or heartbreak. It’s as if life can be too bitter and we become skeptic about success. In time like this, instead of dwelling what doesn’t work out… Isn’t itContinueContinue reading “5 Truths You Have to Know Now”

The Power of Gratitude

Dictionary defines gratitude as a state of being grateful. If we think about it, it’s funny how it is define as a state of being rather than a reaction for something. I mean, it’s easy to say “thank you” for something that we received. It’s also easy to give appreciation for someone’s effort. We oftenContinueContinue reading “The Power of Gratitude”

Saying “Thank You” More Often

How many times a day we say “thank you”? When we’re busy, it’s hard to show our gratitude for the help of others. We might take a lot of things for granted after a while. Although thanking people seems like the activity we do for others, it’s actually a habit that benefit us in theContinueContinue reading “Saying “Thank You” More Often”

Why is it Hard to be Happy?

Well, there is no single right answer to this question. A lot people are not happy because they are in pain or undergoing some bad experiences. In this situation, happiness is difficult to achieve because their needs are lacking and will be unhappy until it can be fulfilled. However, if you are quite comfortable withContinueContinue reading “Why is it Hard to be Happy?”

3 Myths of Happiness that will Make You Miserable

Everyone wants to be happy. As we grow up, we are told that you can be happy, or even happier than you currently are, if you can achieve valuable things in live – like finding your soulmate, getting married, buy a nice cars and so on. The problem is, if you can’t get any ofContinueContinue reading “3 Myths of Happiness that will Make You Miserable”