5 Healthy Summer Snack Ideas

Sometimes heaving just regular meal is not enough. There are times when we need something that we can chew in between our breakfast and lunch. Although snack is often thought as unhealthy, it can change if we modify our diets. Here’s 5 ideas for delicious and yummy snack. 1. Homemade Smoothies What is more deliciousContinueContinue reading “5 Healthy Summer Snack Ideas”

5 Top Healthy Breakfast: Easy and Quick Meal

The best way to start your day is to feed your body with healthy foods. As breakfast is the first food that you’ll eat after fasting when you slept, it is often considered as the ‘most important meal of the day’. 1. Oatmeal Oats are easy to cook in the morning. You can add honey,ContinueContinue reading “5 Top Healthy Breakfast: Easy and Quick Meal”