10 Steps to Have Beautiful Skin

People want to have beautiful skin for many reasons. For some, it’s a matter of confidence and self-esteem. Having clear and healthy skin can make people feel more confident and attractive. Others may want to have beautiful skin because they believe it is a sign of good health. There are many ways to have beautifulContinueContinue reading “10 Steps to Have Beautiful Skin”

5 Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric is native plant from Southeast Asia and some part of India. The plant comes from ginger family, called Curcuma longa. The part which is commonly used is the rhizomes. This part of the plant is grounded into deep orange-yellow powder and can be used as additive in food. 1. Reduce Inflammation One of theContinueContinue reading “5 Benefits of Turmeric”

7 Tips for Better Sleep Tonight

We need sleep to rest and recover our body. It’s really an uncomfortable feeling when we spend hours to toss and turn, instead of getting sleep that we desperately need. Sometimes, our body just wouldn’t ‘shut down’ and our brain keeps continuing thinking thoughts at night. Here’s top 7 tips to help you have aContinueContinue reading “7 Tips for Better Sleep Tonight”

5 Healthy Summer Snack Ideas

Sometimes heaving just regular meal is not enough. There are times when we need something that we can chew in between our breakfast and lunch. Although snack is often thought as unhealthy, it can change if we modify our diets. Here’s 5 ideas for delicious and yummy snack. 1. Homemade Smoothies What is more deliciousContinueContinue reading “5 Healthy Summer Snack Ideas”

4 Important Benefits of Almond Milk

Technically, almond milk is not really a milk. It might be a substitute for cow milk, but it is not derived from animal. Almond milk is made from blended almond and water, so there is no milk added to the mixture. The way it is made is quite similar to soya milk, which has beenContinueContinue reading “4 Important Benefits of Almond Milk”

5 Top Healthy Breakfast: Easy and Quick Meal

The best way to start your day is to feed your body with healthy foods. As breakfast is the first food that you’ll eat after fasting when you slept, it is often considered as the ‘most important meal of the day’. 1. Oatmeal Oats are easy to cook in the morning. You can add honey,ContinueContinue reading “5 Top Healthy Breakfast: Easy and Quick Meal”

Your Pimple May Be Telling You This..

Are you prone to breakouts? Is it a persisting problem for you? We understand that pimple can be very annoying and disturbing. But sometimes pimple can be a signal that something is not right with our skin. So what might this zits telling you? Better Hygiene is Required Your acne might be telling you thatContinueContinue reading “Your Pimple May Be Telling You This..”

Let’s Start Moving (Around the House)

Don’t let your body becomes stiff and cracking! Our activity outside might be limited, but it doesn’t mean that our movement should be limited. We’ve got couple of ideas to keep yourself active inside the house! Yoga at Home What is easier than to start flexing muscles on yoga mat? We don’t have invest inContinueContinue reading “Let’s Start Moving (Around the House)”

The Danger of Self-Improvement

How many times have we take a chance to say “you are enough” to ourselves? Sometimes we are the harshest critics of ourselves. We easily see things that we didn’t do well and constantly blaming ourselves for it. We have this dream, this goals, and we forget to just appreciate ourselves. Maybe it’s about theContinueContinue reading “The Danger of Self-Improvement”

Why Running is Good for You

Running is hard. You’ll be tired and exhausted. But why do you have to do it? Our body is built for being active. Our skin is elastic so it won’t break when we stretch. Our bones are strong enough to endure the impact of movement we do. Each bones are connected by different types ofContinueContinue reading “Why Running is Good for You”