How to Stay in the Moment

Time keeps moving and the moment is fleeting. It is very easy to lose focus and forget what happened in the present. We can never changed our past. The future we often dream or anticipate will soon become our present. Being in the present is all that we have. Now is right where we are.ContinueContinue reading “How to Stay in the Moment”

Meditation: Different Types of Meditation

Although meditation is growing popularity, people might not be unaware that meditation can come in different shape and form. You can never get meditation wrong. But, one type might be more beneficial for different people at different times. If you meditate regularly, you might experience this feeling once in a while. Sometimes focusing on yourContinueContinue reading “Meditation: Different Types of Meditation”

Guided Meditation for Beginner

Starting meditation can a bit daunting sometimes. Before jumping into long meditation, it’s always better to start with a short session of mindfulness. Then little by little, we can raise our awareness of ourselves and become more used in meditating. If you’re new to meditation and have no idea how to start, you can tryContinueContinue reading “Guided Meditation for Beginner”

Meditation for Beginners

Meditation is a common advice for stress, depression or any other emotional difficulties. However, not everyone can get it the first time. For those who never do meditation before, this activity can seem weird and boring. The concept of closing our eyes and connecting to our inner self maybe hard to digest. Some says thatContinueContinue reading “Meditation for Beginners”