Makeup and Breakouts

Red bumps on the nose? It’s easy. Just use primer, concealer, foundation, face powder and finish-off with shiny highlighter. Poof! It’s gone. How many layers of chemical products that we put on our face everyday? Sometimes, we forget that makeup is the reason why we keep having breakouts. But of course we need makeups forContinueContinue reading “Makeup and Breakouts”

4 Simple Ways to Prevent Acne

If you hate acne, you are probably willing to do anything to prevent it from appearing on your smooth skin. Except for hormonal imbalance or other health conditions, there are actually several ways to reduce the growth of acne. Try building skin care routine using this 4 steps and you will see improvement to yourContinueContinue reading “4 Simple Ways to Prevent Acne”

How to Get Rid of Acne?

Tired of having breakouts every so often? Acne is an inflamed skin condition that appears like a small bump on your skin. Sometimes acne can contain whiteheads, blackheads or cysts. Acne mostly appears on face, but it can also grow on neck, back, hands or other parts of the body. Most of the time, acneContinueContinue reading “How to Get Rid of Acne?”