How to be More Confident?

Are you confident enough? It’s hard to measure how much confidence we needed, except it is put under a test. How good is your public speaking skill? Are you able to talk easily to stranger? Are you proud of who you really are? The concept of confident is revolved around the idea of self andContinueContinue reading “How to be More Confident?”

Affirmation: Today I Choose to Believe

Today I choose to believe.. Despite of what I’m feeling and what people say, I choose to believe in myself. I don’t care how hard it is to get out of bed everyday, I believe it will get better each day. I believe the universe has a grand plan, so everything will be okay. IContinueContinue reading “Affirmation: Today I Choose to Believe”

Self-love: Letter of Gratitude

Whether it’s been a tough week or day, it’s important to just stop and start appreciating yourself. Writing a gratitude letter yourself is one of the practice of self-love. This will help you to stop judging yourself and start focusing on the good things in yourself. If you’re new to this, here’s the example ofContinueContinue reading “Self-love: Letter of Gratitude”

Top 10 Affirmations to Start Your Week

Monday… One of the most dreadful day of the week for some. While it may seem overwhelming and tiring, it doesn’t have to be that way. Starting your week with affirmations will give you a boost of motivation and help you to start your week right. Affirmation is a friendly reminder or encouragement to yourselfContinueContinue reading “Top 10 Affirmations to Start Your Week”