
Can Compassion Heals Past Trauma?

Compassion can be easily described as understanding, empathy, and concern for the suffering and well-being of others. It is often depicted as a deep awareness of the suffering of others, coupled with a desire to alleviate that suffering or provide comfort and support. Compassion is rooted in a sense of empathy and kindness, and it…

Affirmation Before Bed

Today has been a good day. I have done an amazing job today. There is nothing more that I should do, as this is the time for me to rest. It’s alright where I am. I am enough right here and now. I’m grateful for this beautiful moment, where I can wind down before sleep.…

How to Overcome Anxiety

Anxiety paralyses people. Fearing the worst case scenario, feeling overwhelmed and suffocated, cold sweats and restlessness are common sensations that come with anxiety. Certainly, being wary of our anxiety will only causes more anxiety. It may seems weird that most resources offer meditation or breathing technique for coping, when people who experience panic attack can…

Healing from Childhood Trauma (Part 2)

Click here to see Part 1 of this post Over the years, there has been an increasing awareness of the importance of mental health, including the impact of childhood trauma. Many non-profit organizations have been formed to create a strong network of support and help people to recover from the impact. From the studies done…


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“I hope life gives you wings, and you have the courage to use them.” – Anne

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